I could not secure my kills today. Jeez, seventeen assists. It’s a lot harder to secure kills in a free for all.
This was an awesome match. Regeneration is still insanely powerful in my opinion. I had a five minute dogfight with IAMAGEEKYEY and I just could not stay on him long enough to push through his regeneration. General proficiency in maneuvering makes it near impossible to kill someone with these rapid fire low yield weapons. I eventually just gave up. It was so intense that I gripped my mouse too tight and my hand was fatigued for the rest of the match, which probably made my aim look really sloppy. Looks like he performed insanely well.
Did not crash this time. A true immortal match!
I killed two unnamed ships on my gravidar that ended up being bots.
The turn rate thing is a real problem in my opinion. It’s a really really really good tactic to drop your speed to almost zero and gun someone down like a turret (much like the days when weapons were hitscan), using strafe to avoid getting in their line of sight. It’s not like you can just turn and shoot someone who’s stationary when they have their guns trained on you, and can turn at the same speed. Unless someone else starts shooting you, you basically have a knife to your adversary’s throat.
I definitely noticed your strafing maneuvers. It’s the first time I really could observe someone using them to such great effect. By watching your thruster tail I could estimate your heading, and could adjust my course to stay out of your crosshairs. When I took fire anyway unexpectedly, I realized that you weren’t flying in the same direction you were facing, meaning you were strafing to the outside as you turned, giving you firing opportunities. I’d say you have WSAD down quite well. When I get the video up, I’ll make a notation of the moment where I realized this kill might not be as simple as the others.