So it appears GM Stormcrow learned the anti-romeo maneuver outlined a few weeks ago. Argh.
I also noticed the top 9 players on each team element wasn’t working for me at all. It was blank.
I really slipped up today. I think I contributed the three of the team’s first seven deaths. Will verify that when match stats come up. I tried to take a video but it didn’t record properly :\
Actually now that I look at my score I’m almost certain I died more than 8 times… is that really true? I was dominated pretty hard by ubluntu and I think GM Stormcrow beat the crap out of me too.
I noticed that I had a lot of trouble controlling my speed. I would throw the mousewheel down to come to stop while turning, but I would notice my speed only dropped to 230 or something. I threw it down again and it didn’t change. I’d throw it down a third time and it would drop to zero. I would say that something was up with my mousewheel, but I noticed the same kind of unresponsiveness with my booster as well. Speaking of booster, I do like the effect.
I also noticed that you guys started blocking our player names to hide our identities. I don’t think I died a single time when you guys did that, in fact I hardly got shot at at all. You know what that means? Means red team is jerks 
I also noticed that the playing player base fluctuated to a huge degree, very suddenly. Are there multiple servers to play on and did they get combined at one point or something? Is there a huge Age of Ascent convention happening out there and all the players just logged on at the same time? Did you guys merge the players from the other planes of existence into one playtest server? The world may never know.
While I agree with Konduurr’s first point regarding not being able to escape, I am personally finding the second element regarding not being able to figure out who’s shooting you not as frustrating as they do.
I noticed that the further away your target is, the easier it is to hit them. I brought it up in the Tuesday session and the score is that the plasma weapons we currently have used to be laser weapons, and have had their graphics changed since. When it’s put that way, I feel that the whole shooting dynamic we’re facing is a little more justified, but I personally never want to come across something that is impossible to defend against. One way I feel this is being targeted at long range. The only option is to close range and try to out turn them, while praying you don’t take too many hits to do so. Another way I feel this is when people just stop dead and I have to fly circles around them trying to confuse them long enough to get a shot. I’m looking at you GM Stormcrow 
I think both of these really powerful elements require too little opportunity and skill to pull off effectively. I don’t know the exact situation because I don’t play the game, but I feel they would be viewed the same way that [generic console fps] views cheap grenade launchers. However, I have also noticed that the more I am exposed to this the better I get at dealing with it, so it may just be emergent behavior that needs time to be worked into the system.
As for the second point regarding figuring out who is shooting you, I feel that it’s rather appropriate that if you are shot at you should not be told who or where exactly. I think it’s one thing to indicate direction subtly, say with sound or an HUD element (though I like sound better). But I think that were it to be made too obvious, it would begin to diminish the effort and the skill of the shooter to be attacking from an obscure direction. I know that when I choose a target I make special note of their behavior (though at this point just knowing their name is enough) before I begin firing. I know that some people like to boost and arc away and others like to try start doing rolls and evasive maneuvers (and some just ignore it), and I can modify my approach accordingly (though usually it just comes down to how I fast I fly in).
That being said, I think things change significantly when things like flight mechanics and weapon types change.
Now that the scores are up, I see that I did in fact contribute two or three deaths in the first five minutes. And jeez, that guy whenamiatinspace has a pretty ridiculous score, as GM Stormcrow said.
I’m no astrophysicist (though I’m pretty sure they have one on their dev team) but wouldn’t you only be able to go as fast as your accelerating force? After that point, wouldn’t the particles from your accelerating force leave the thruster at the rate that you were traveling, and not have anything to push against therefore not move the ship at all? I assume the situation would be similar to a propeller plane that is 500m/s worth of thrust (analogically the space ship’s thrust speed) in a headwind that is blowing at 500 m/s (analogically the space ship’s current speed). Assuming the plane didn’t fall out of the sky, wouldn’t it stay completely still as far as the earth is concerned?
And at any rate there was a video or something where they talked about the space physics, or many it was a past play test where I had an insightful discussion on the matter.
Lastly, regarding the scoreboard, I can’t see how many assists I have anymore 
But I had lots of fun today. See you all next week.