Alpha Test Feedback Mar 5th 2016

Scores from this playtest are shown below, please provide your feedback on your experience!

Join us at for a 30 min playtest Saturday, 5th March, 2015
12pm PACIFIC | 2pm CENTRAL US | 3pm EAST US | 8pm GMT


Release Notes

  • Dual Projectile Multi-Cannons, 320 rounds/sec (19.2k per min), velocity 4 km/s, 7 km range
  • Free-for-All (FFA) ā€“ all ships are hostile
  • Running on ASP.NET Core x64, Kestrel, Nano server in Microsoft Azure
  • Next playtest after this one will be in five weeks (April 9th)

If you want to know the bigger picture and where we are heading donā€™t forget to check out: About Age of Ascent

Thank you all for joining us on this journey!

I was a little late to the party, but great playtest today. I had lots of fun and did not experience any bugs.

Framerate was badā€¦in the 10-12 FPS range, which made it hard to track enemies as they jerked around. Not sure if thatā€™s a result of my computer/graphics or notā€¦I am on an older box.

Other than that, I enjoyed it.

Fun time! Really enjoyed this!

I had a hard time with mouse sensitivity today, but I am pretty sure I accidentally hit my tracking button on my mouse :stuck_out_tongue:

Great test; still looking forward to new features!

Fun game, cannot wait for more playtests!

No issues here. Although I think my controls were broken or something because I wasnā€™t at the top of the leaderboard as I would have expected.

I mean, I destroyed my so-called ā€œfavorite uncleā€ on the scoreboard (even if it was only by one place), and I feel like thatā€™s the most important thing. Get wrecked, Uncle Jamesā€“Iā€™ll get your ship next time.

Even though he SHOT MEā€¦ That type of behavior is very likely to boost Williamā€™s status. Youā€™ve been warned.

Simply amazing! I played from a new ThinkPad and from my really old linux rig, and had fun seeing all of the great additions. Linux rig was holding steady at 16fps, which for fighting is not what you need. Later on though when exploring, trading and the like, would be just fine.

Thanks to the Illyriad folks for continuing on this epic game.

Great 30min playtest: 86 total pilots; 67 peak pilots; 717 kills, 3,540,112 shots fired; 54,519,129 network messages; 7.45% player accuracy!

See you in 5 weeks! - with time change due to summer time Sat 09 April 8pm GMT | 9pm UK | 1pm Pacific | 4pm Eastern US

Had fun like last time, I found a few timeā€™s I lost track of my aiming circle, maybe if it was neon pink or orange it would be a bit easier, otherwise no bugs or glitchy-ness on my end.

Framerates under 30fps tend almost exclusively to be the result of gfx hardware that canā€™t accelerate output from the web browser. This tends to be older graphics cards, and (iirc) the older nVidia Optimus laptop line. So the computer falls back on CPU rendering and that crashes the framerate. Sadly, thereā€™s next to nothing we can do about thisā€¦ though still delighted that you enjoyed it!

Hopefully thatā€™s the case - mouse sensitivity is something we donā€™t have control of (all the input comes from the client endā€¦!

You should be magnanimous in victory, young lady. And besides, Uncle William is rubbish.

favouriteniece - please tell your father that heā€™s a bit of an idiot.

Glad to you have you back! Yeah, a lot of improvements. Much smoother and faster than in the past. The combat really feels quite epic & adrenal. Plus I canā€™t think of many games that run at this pace, with this number of combatants in the same arena :wink:

Weā€™re planning on allowing colour/contrast customisation of most every UI element; bear with us!
